blog postings
Two new sections have been added and you will find them on the bottom right of your window. These new sections are called : Heart-Felt Reminders and Questions Concerning Your Right?
This is site is constantly growing and expanding, so please feel free to send your comments, feedback and suggestions.
Thank you for your patience.
- Written by Lotus Chan
After a week of trying to understand how to create a more efficient website, I'm still running around in circles.
Anyone out there know how to change and update the options here? Willing to trade service for service, so any takers? Send an e-mail!
- Written by Lotus Chan
Welcome to the new home of Lotus Chan RMT dot com.Over the next few weeks and months the site will grow and new content will added.
Please bare with me as the site is under on going construction.
Thanks ^_^
- Written by Lotus Chan
An intense week has passed and the people, energy and atmosphere was amazing to state the least. More healing modalities have been experienced and handed down through both the Jikiden Reiki Association and the Rocky Mountain Mystery School (RMMS).
- Written by Lotus Chan
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