Happy new year everyone!
2016 will be more tame as there will only be a few courses! As usual, bookings can be made via the clinic 416-487-9056.
For all moms and moms-to-be who prefer to stay home, bookings an be made via www.coreexpectations.com for both you and your family!
2015 was quite and exciting year! Here is a recap of the fascinating things I learnt:
Neuro meningeal manipulation series:
NM 3: Nerves of the legs and feet
NM4: Cranial Nerves
NVMTA: Neuro-visceral manipulation of the thorax and abdomen
Visceral Manipulation series:
VM 3: Pelvis and Urogential system
VM 4: Throax
VMAT: Advanced thorax
Ongoing studies:
- Practical applications of numerology: business prospects, license plates, interpersonal relationships, parenting, behavioural patterns
- Reconnecting Meridians lines: Applications post abdominal surgeries, anxiety, depression, concussions
- Harmonizing the energetic space
- Self care to balance and harmony